This long-term engagement culminated in the removal of the site from the Green Belt, concept design work and the preparation of detailed planning applications.
We gained support from the local planning authority and Historic England for a number of small and large-scale buildings across this site, through the production of a suite of analysis reports and provision of a masterplan to guide development over the next 25 years. We worked with Poole Officers over a number of years and ECA’s Martha Covell was an expert witness at the Poole Local Plan Examination, successfully challenging the long-term allocation of the site in the Green Belt.
The site presents many challenges relating to its heritage assets (Grade I listed buildings) green belt allocation, landscape designation and protected trees. Through our in depth understanding of the site we identified numerous development opportunities and used 3d models, sketches, visualisations and technical information to demonstrate that these significant proposals are appropriate in the context of the site. We prepared an exhibition and workshops where we consulted pupils, teachers and parents.
The work has been heralded by Historic England as ‘an exemplary approach that demonstrates how a well-considered masterplan can be agreed to by all parties and can lead to confidence and security in addressing future development’.