Hamworthy's Medical Centre

New vision for Hamworthy's Medical Centre


The Adam Practice has approached ECA to design a new Medical Centre in order to replace their Hamworthy surgery. The investigation involved looking for new potential sites as well as a scheme for replacing the existing practice with a more space efficient building, able to provide an improved health service to the area.

The biggest obstacle to tackle on the scheme for the existing site along Blandford Road was making the building visible and part of the streetscape, while continuing to allow for vehicular access on a site which narrows quite reasonably on the roadside boundary. The biggest potential for the proposal is that the site slopes down towards the back and is surrounded by two storey buildings, which allows for significant vertical growth without having any negative effect on the neighbours.

The site presents a good opportunity to create a signature building for Hamworthy that the local residents would feel pleased to have in their community, something with a strong identity and Architectural merit that would attract further investment and a boon for those yet to move into the area.

The resultant triangular proposal more than doubles the floorspace of the existing centre with only a small effect on the volume of parking spaces. Using large front facing glazed walls and bright and clean materials the building will radiate a feeling of health and wellness; this combined with dramatic overhangs and a sleek landscaped boulevard style entrance walkway will make visiting the Doctor a treat...!