ECA planners have prepared a heritage impact assessment which assesses the significance of the building and immediate locality as required by para. 128 of the NPPF. In May of this year we posted a blog on the importance of addressing this requirement, found here.
Regency House is Grade II listed building located on the western side of Southgate Street in the heart of Winchester. The 'significance' of the building and immediate surroundings has been analysed and assessed in order to identify any harm to the significance of the heritage assets.
The proposals will involve:
- Conversion of the first and second floors for residential purposes
- Insertion of windows to facilitate conversion
- Changes to the external facade facing St Clements Street
These changes will make a positive contribution to local character and distinctiveness. They will also sustain and enhance the significance of the heritage assets in the immediate vicinity by reverting part of the building to its former residential use and reinstating the original rhythm of fenestration. The proposals will also make a positive contribution towards conservation of heritage assets, including economic vitality, all consistent with the advice set out in para. 131 of the NPPF