Better Design for Better Places

Building Better Building Beautiful


As a @neighbourhoodplanning champion for locality @eca_cic were asked to attend the ‘Better Design for Better Places conference. This is part of the ‘Building Better Building Beautiful Commission’ by the @MHCLG. #DesignQualityCof we were challenged to take responsibility. So these are the Top10 actions we recommend /pledge:


(1)Develop an industry recognised, up to date, design toolkit, with the same quedos as the English Partnerships‘Design Compendium’, that can be adopted as National

Guidance or preferably a national standard and included in the anticipated, revised NPPG. NPPF reference to and Homes England adoption of BFL 12 (Buildings for Life 12) is welcomed, but it is not easily applicable to high density development.

(2) Put more resources into Planning Authorities and Design Review Panels. With diminished resources we need to support LPAs to make the right decisions that are supported by the Inspectorate. We must maximise the use of Design Review Panels.

(3) Fix the housing market, en able unviable development stuck in the system (great to hear about the work of @HomesEngland )

and support affordable housing schemes, without compromising on quality, to create the communities of the future.

(4) Seriously consider scrapping PD rights, which currently enable office to residential conversion schemes, instead provide support through a change in policy so that PD can not

be used by developers as an excuse for poor quality design.


(5)Create the conservation areas of the future.

(6) Promote on-going ENGAGEMENT not CONSULTATION with the community in all our projects, especially through our neighbourhood planning work .

(7) Promote modular construction, as a way of creating more sustainable , efficient buildings which take less time to construct,rather than an excuse to reduce design quality.

(8) Inspire and train a new diverse generation professionals to work in ‘Built Environment’ professions.

(9) Lead by example! Homes England have an important role to play and we will look at ways of working with them.

(10) AND finally: ‘Beautiful’ is subjective and not the same as ‘Good Design’

We look forward to being part of the continued debate on Good Design.

Martha Covell MRTPI 14th February 2019